Unlock your Keys to Freedom!

I see you – you're here for something big! But... you're feeling irritable, stuck and restless with an inner yearning for change

You can live your ideal life without compromising your values

Leveraging your Human Design is the best way to feel relief from overwhelm, pressure and other vital energy drains

Human Design

Get your free personalised Human Design Chart and Report

What if I told you...

Your inner programming is stopping you from living the life you are born to live.


You are divinely designed to THRIVE.

You're NOT here to feel constant overwhelm, worry about where the money's going to come from, or wonder when it will be your time.

You're NOT here to burn out, drown in "should's", or be "on" the whole time responding to the demands of life.

And you're definitley not here to feel bad about yourself because it seems so hard for you and so easy for everyone else.

The way to access freedom and fulfilment isn't through more hard work or losing yourself.
It's through being more of who you truly are.
You don't have to sell your soul (or your house) in order to succeed as an entrepreneur.

You can be a spiritual being AND make money doing your soul work.

Success is not just determined by the money you make.

Prosperity is about integrating all of your inner parts, and owning your light being true to your authentic self, so you can live in the flow of life and make the impact on the world you were born to make.

My purpose is to serve and transform the lives of others, to transmute all those old beliefs and internal conflicts so you can embody the highest expression of yourself and live your ideal life.

Less Stress

Free the mental stresses of overthinking, overwhelm and self doubt. Free emotional stresses such as worry, pressure and frustration. Free physical tension and pain/discomfort from your body.


Greater Clarity

Experience relief, calm and clarity, leading to more aligned decisions by following the wisdom of your body, focused energy on the right task at the right time, and ideal opportunities and clients being magnetised to you.

More Energy

Minimise energy drains through releasing resistance, setting healthy boundaries with love and following your unique energy blueprint. Support and nurture your five vital energies: Physical, Emotional, Mental, Spiritual and Moral.

Together, we can expand the story of what's possible

"A big shift in my money."

"I've really noticed a significant change in my financial situation. Before I started working with you, I was constantly worried about not having enough money each week and just getting by. My mind was always preoccupied with whether I could cover my bills, and I found myself thinking, "This money is coming in, but then it’s going out here, and there..." It felt like my bank account was air traffic control, with money flying in and out all the time.

Since we went through those money processes, I've seen money coming from different sources, including some unexpected funds. Now, I feel much more at ease each week. I don’t even think about money anymore because I trust that it’s flowing in as it should."

SassSassBeautician & Energy Healer

3 Stages to Freedom

Assess your Current Situation

Together, we use feedback from your life, your body and your personalised Energetic Blueprint (Human Design Chart and Report) as assessment tools to see what's not working in your life and where you're currently living out of alignment. We'll include any intentions or goals you have along with your unique Frequency Map to utilise during our time together.

Alchemise your Shadows into Superpowers

Utilising an integrated approach by addressing every layer of your being, we go on a journey to lovingly transcend the energetic roots of the conditioned version of you, including stuck energy, trauma, outdated beliefs and patterns, while reclaiming the parts of yourself that are afraid or ashamed to be seen, transforming them into aligned action. Hidden in your shadows are your gifts and your superpowers.

Activate your Fullest Potential

As an integrated Fully Functioning Human Being, you can make conscious choices from wholeness and alignment instead of from conditioning. 

This is your Journey to access your Inner Witness, Unconditional Love and other Golden Shadow (super conscious) frequencies (right brain stuff), and then skilfully utilise those mystical states to heal your deepest wounds and activate your fullest potential.

Hi, I'm Helen

You can think of me as your Evolutionary Tour Guide, supporting you to live your ideal life.

For the past 20 years, I have been immersed in the world of Self Discovery and Energetic Transformation. Now, I hold space and guide others in their own journey from stress and scarcity to access freedom in all areas of life.

(It's literally written in my chart that I'm born to do this!)

Ways to Work Together

Human Design

Your Human Design Guidebook

 60+ pages covering every aspect of your unique Energetic Blueprint - utilising Quantum Human Design™️. This is your "Do-It-Yourself" version of a reading.

Your Human Design Reading & Activation

Discovering your personal Energetic Blueprint is like a wake-up call. It gives you permission to be fully yourself,  unapologetically, and begins a journey of remembering who you truly are. Wake up to your real potential and unique genius.

Your Journey to Living Your Ideal Life

It’s time for entrepreneurship to be truly enjoyable. Discover how you can live your ideal life, experience deeper spirituality, greater wealth, and more meaningful connections, using my integrated approach, the SACRED system.

Together, we can expand the story of what's possible

"More capable and confident in being visible and sharing my expertise with the world."

"My biggest hesitation with any kind of inner work is that it would involve dredging up childhood memories. That's a valid process for sure, but knowing the origin story or dwelling on past events isn't important to me—clearing the blocked energy so I can take actionis what matters to me. 

That's why I love working with Helen. We've absolutely uncovered some childhood and past experiences that were still impacting me, but it was simply an acknowledgement of it, rather than picking through the details. By addressing the different parts involved I feel a sense of peace and freedom without having to dredge through every aspect of my life so far.

Since going through Helen's beautiful process and releasing some long-held emotions that I didn't even realise were there I feel so much lighter, more capable, more confident in being visible and sharing my expertise with the world. Understanding my ways of doing things from a human design perspective has been SUPER helpful! It's obvious why some things work better than others in my life, business, relationships, everything.

I highly recommend Helen's services. Anyone and everyone can benefit from her work, but especially if you're in business. Releasing the energy that holds us back is the perfect accompaniment to all the practical tools and expertise required. When you notice yourself taking action with ease and grace where you were stuck before, you can thank Helen for opening that door so you can walk through it.

The most important thing to know about Helen is that she cares deeply about helping others feel better—but it's still on you to do the work required (by turning up). Stay open to possibilities and see what magic comes of it."

Deirdre AmiesDeirdre AmiesThe FUN Business & Money Coach


Private Coaching

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