Experience Freedom, Abundance, Balance & Joy

Imagine living your ideal life!

Or maybe you can’t and that’s the problem.

Your life is great, you have everything you need (well almost), but you don’t really have what you truly desire.

The trouble is…

You aren’t really sure what you want.

And it may leave you feeling restless, irritable and well, quite frankly, a little ungrateful.

But, what if those niggling feelings of your life not being enough as it is, and your wealth feeling limited, are a whisper from your soul?

Let’s follow those whispers and see where they lead.

Give yourself permission to listen…

Because it may just lead to the perfect life for YOU.

Hi, I'm Helen Airey

I am a dedicated professional with a strong track record in the corporate world space and a list of qualifications to please the strictest father. 

But I had a wake-up call.  In fact one day a few years ago, my closest friend in the world, didn’t wake up.

That day I didn’t hear a whisper, I heard a cry.  It was my own.

It was a cry from my own soul, and the urgency for a radically new future seeking my most purposeful career.

Hence my journey into discovering the professional world of Transformational Coaching, specialising in the comprehensive transformational systems Tapping Into Wealth and Evolutionary Mystic Meditation.

Work With Helen

Clear the Resistance, Find the Truth and Begin your Abundant Life.

When you clear your resistance, you can tap into your True Self and experience an up-levelling in every aspect of your life. This creates a ripple effect, impacting the Whole World.

Coaching can be divided into two main types. Targeted Life Coaching is about goal setting and achieving specific outcomes, and does not involve what I call the “inner work”. Targeted life coaching helps you to plan out strategies and keep you accountable each step of the way. It uses the power of laser focus to help you to achieve your goals. For example, if you want to lose weight or find a date without delving too deeply into your subconsious beliefs or old wounds, then hiring a weight loss coach or a dating coach is your best bet. While I can help you set goals and work towards achieving specific outcomes, I am not that kind of coach! Transformational Coaching is about releasing old wounds/traumas, addressing beliefs about who you really are at the core, and transforming beliefs that no longer serve you so that you can access your true Self. You will gain courage and confidence,  wisdom and strength, self-love and healing in all areas of your life.

“Your outer world is a reflection of your inner world” ~ T. Harv Eker

The techniques I use with my clients are powerful yet gentle, creating impact and bringing dramatic results. I hold a safe and loving space while guiding you on a journey, allowing you to become who you are most deeply meant to be in the world.  It is advanced personal growth work for people who want to live more consciously and mindfully. It involves a combination of inner insight techniques AND real-world actions to move you forward towards your most rewarding life. This is the kind of coaching I offer! To learn more about my holistic, mindfulness-based transformational coaching, please connect with me via phone so we can schedule a 30 minute chat and explore if we are a match to work together.

“Investing in yourself is the best investment you can make. It will not only improve your life, it will improve the life of all those around you.” ~ Robin Sharma

In helping you decide if Transformation coaching is right for you, consider the following questions: Am I ready to invest in my own personal development? Am I willing to change and take responsibility for those changes? Am I open minded and curious? Can I appreciate that deep change can take time and is not about quick fixes? Do I believe that I am capable of more and want more in life?

During our initial conversations together, I will ask you lots of questions and you will also have the opportunity to ask me whatever you like. Together, we will identify if we are an appropriate fit. So, before you say “yes”, you will have a an experience of me. Until then, feel free to browse this web site to learn more about myself and my approach.

I will guide you to access whatever is holding you back to being your true authentic Self;

Provide safety, encouragement and support; an environment in which you can relax and explore;

Respect the confidentiality of the agreements we make;

Expand your view of what is possible and promote discovery of new insights;

Give you input, straight feedback and operate as a sounding board;

Listen carefully to what you say and ask questions that increase awareness;

Be an on-going resource for you in accomplishing your intentions.

If you need to reschedule or cancel an appointment I ask for at least 24 hours notice so I can offer the session time to someone else. If you have an emergency, we will work around it as best we can.


Why Wealth?

Unlocking blocks to wealth, unlocks the wealth of you…

With the transformation work I do, we systematically remove your unconscious deep resistance to wealth.

Whatever ideas you have about wealth are directly linked to your ability to value yourself.

When you possess the tools to break down the walls between you and wealth, you realise that it belonged to you all along.

Save yourself the pain of living in fear about money.  It’s not necessary.

Learn to love yourself in a whole new way by Tapping Into Wealth.

When you do, you will see wealth all around you and the Gift of your life in full colour.

It’s easy, simple and fun.  And it’s going to feel soooo good to be free of the blocks that have been holding you back for years.

I have a proven system that is easy to follow so you don’t get lost in the weeds, wondering where your new future is.

As things becomes clearer, miracles happen, and you can then really enter the true essence of gratitude.